NOTE – This post was originally published on September 22, 2010 at 8:40pm. I’ve moved it so that it falls in line with the rest of the timeline.
Here’s some quick pics of little girl Nina’s first adventure in the land of surgical procedures! You might see this post somewhere down the line again because I’m going to try to get us caught up and then file this one in the correct place chronologically. Also, this is just the pictures from my phone, not the pictures from Melissa’s. More coming soon!
September 21st, Mommy and Nina cuddle previous to the procedure… at this point we’re in the 2nd waiting room of a total of 4 waiting rooms throughout the procedure. I’m not kidding. See this image larger.
Just before anesthesia, little girl hasn’t had anything to eat since 3:30am and this is at 10:08am… still she somehow manages to find the ability to sleep. Here we’re in the third waiting room. In the fourth, they give you a number that corresponds to your child, and you watch her status change on a TV screen. It is like a cross between purgatory, the waiting room for a car mechanic, and waiting for a plane to land. See this image larger.
The parent has to “X” which nostril is the correct one, and the doctor initializes said nostril. This made me nervous. See this image larger.
After the procedure, Nina collapses into Mommy’s arms, content in that way alone. Here we’re waiting in the wrong room because they have not admitted us yet. We ended up waiting for 3 hours or so. See this image larger.
They have to scan her ankle bracelet whenever they give her certain meds. Now we’re groceries, I guess. This is our final room. Once we got here everything was awesome – people waited on us hand and foot! See this image larger.
A close-up of the battle-scarred wee one. She continues to tough through her pain. See this image larger.
Best I could do while holding the phone myself. Melissa has some nice pics on her phone. See this image larger.
This morning, the Princess returns to her castle! All is well! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts — special thanks to Grandma Barb for watching Ian and taking care of us! See this image larger. 02:30:182010-10-25 02:30:18Nina’s First Surgery, Part I
I made a note back in the entry “September, Part IV” in self-congratulations… that was our blog’s 500th post!!! Can you believe it?
September 15th, Seth loves the new house. Sometimes I think he’d rather send the kids off to college a little early, but the house, he loves. See this image larger.
Same day, I think I have some video of this as well, but Nina really knows how to handle a book. See this image larger.
September 16th, looking off to the east of our house in the back, no less than 20 wild turkeys swarmed around a neighbor’s fence. They ended up inside of there, pretty confused… the fence has since been patched. See this image larger.
Little girl continues to improve on all fronts, and we couldn’t be happier! Keep going, Nina! See this image larger.
The next two entries will be about Nina’s surgery… they are entries I posted a long time ago that will be re-ordered so that all of this makes some kind of sense. 20:31:382010-10-24 20:31:38September, Part VI
BONUS VIDEO! On September 13th, I love how Ian is actually trying to figure out what he did wrong, at first, due to my poor wording. Click here to see the video!
BONUS VIDEO! On September 13th, I order fast food from Ian, hoping he’ll take the hint that this would not be the best long-term occupation. Click here to see the video!
BONUS VIDEO! Moments later, Ian and I play a game where I scare him and he throws woodchips at me. (This is a recreation of the first time it happened. It was originally amusing because he was throwing them out of genuine fright… it got less funny the harder he threw them.) Click here to see the video!
A bit from that park not covered in the videos: Ian and I used these digging toys that are set up like steam-shovels, to excavate dirt. I’d ask if mommy had arrived, he’d spin around, I’d throw a quarter into the newly excavated hole, and he’d turn back around and squeal with glee at the supposedly unearthed treasure.
BONUS VIDEO! September 14th, Ian waters plants for Mommy and considers squirting us both. I got to play the “pinch the hose closed” game with him, and surprisingly he didn’t actually look directly down the end of the hose. Smarter than I thought! This is also the day we found a genuine stick bug in a plant in the backyard. If you don’t know what that is, it is a bug that looks exactly like a stick. Hence the name. Click here to see the video!
BONUS VIDEO! September 14th, Ian explains all about the safety net… I still don’t get it, but am always game to hear more from his gigantic imagination! Click here to see the video!
. 21:49:252010-10-23 21:49:25September, Part V
Nina’s First Surgery, Part I
NOTE – This post was originally published on September 22, 2010 at 8:40pm. I’ve moved it so that it falls in line with the rest of the timeline.
Here’s some quick pics of little girl Nina’s first adventure in the land of surgical procedures! You might see this post somewhere down the line again because I’m going to try to get us caught up and then file this one in the correct place chronologically. Also, this is just the pictures from my phone, not the pictures from Melissa’s. More coming soon!
September, Part VI
I made a note back in the entry “September, Part IV” in self-congratulations… that was our blog’s 500th post!!! Can you believe it?
The next two entries will be about Nina’s surgery… they are entries I posted a long time ago that will be re-ordered so that all of this makes some kind of sense.
September, Part V
(Scroll down, you may have missed “Part IV” which hit pretty close to Part V!)
A bit from that park not covered in the videos: Ian and I used these digging toys that are set up like steam-shovels, to excavate dirt. I’d ask if mommy had arrived, he’d spin around, I’d throw a quarter into the newly excavated hole, and he’d turn back around and squeal with glee at the supposedly unearthed treasure.