Finally it was time for the hayride! That’s one of Ian’s teachers in the background, during the hayride she told me more about Ian opening up socially… Awesome stuff! See this image larger.
Mommy and Nina followed the hay-riding truck in Mommy’s car so that Mommy could split off and go back to work… it wasn’t a Tuesday, after all! See this image larger.
I admit to panicking a little when Mommy left… Did I have everything I needed to take care of both kids during a field trip?!? Turned out everything went just fine, in no small part to Mommy packing everything I could need! See this image larger.
Thanks for checking out the blog… more Nina pics next entry, I promise! See this image larger. 23:30:542010-10-29 23:30:54October, Part II
October 2nd, and an important choice had to be made… what to be for Halloween?! In early talks there was a lot of mention of Superman and Spiderman. These are characters Ian can point to in a book, and can name, but otherwise they are people he knows nothing about. See this image larger.
A perfectly sized baby hat has a tendency to slip down and force the eyelids closed until nap. What? Isn’t it my job to say what we’re all thinkin’? No? Oh. See this image larger.
NOTE – The following two images were added later to this entry:
Still on October 2nd, Nina sits down for a lunch and munches on a menu. Apparently everything must have looked delicious as pictured. See this image larger.
We were at Friday’s with Mr. Brandon and his son Max… we had a great time! See this image larger.
On October 4th, Ian, Melissa and I went on a class field trip despite it being one of Ian’s non-school days. See this image larger.
It was called Klackleville Farms, and everybody was extremely happy to be there. (See, Grandparents, he gives us all that look sometimes.) See this image larger.
The world’s biggest sandbox outside of the Egypt quickly turned Ian’s attitude around. See this image larger.
If Nina wasn’t doing this, she was sleeping. I asked her to do something photo-worthy like cartwheels, and she kept rolling her eyes at me. I still can’t figure little girls out, I guess. 😉 See this image larger.
Ian hopped in this big fire engine thing and I pushed him through the sandbox, small dump trucks and shovels flew everywhere. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard Ian giggle so much. See this image larger.
A small child could actually climb through the whole train like an obstacle course… here Ian emerges victorious from the engine. See this image larger.
Continued in Part II! 21:49:202010-10-28 21:49:20October, Part I
NOTE – This post was originally published on September 30, 2010 at 11:43pm. I’ve moved it so that it falls in line with the rest of the timeline.
I’m interrupting our regularly scheduled update for this present-day update… then we’ll head back to August. (NOTE – This sentence refers to original publishing date, sorry.)
On September 29th, Nina and Mommy went to her last physical therapy session. Nina did very well, she was crawling, and climbed up some stacked 6″ thick mats (seen in the background on the right) like they were steps. Also one of the other kids did well and everybody there clapped their hands. And so Nina joined in! First applause, nine months old! There’s still a few things for us to work on, but overall Nina’s doing great!
Later in the day I joined Mommy and Nina for her follow-up visit to the ENT doctor. He took a peek in both of her ears and down each nostril and gave her the diagnosis of “everything is looking great.” Looks like we’re most of the way through this particular pair of hurdles.
Nina apparently chatted and sang all day for the people at daycare after the doctor’s appointment.
That reminds me, yesterday, September 28th, the caregiver at daycare told me that Ian had had an amazing day of communication, that he had stopped being shy and started asking for help, etc. I swear just the other day I explained to him that shyness can get in the way of some things, and that Daddy could have made a lot more friends in his life if he had been less shy. If this conversation had anything to do with his attempts at school to be less shy, I’m ridiculously proud!
NOTE – This post ends the month of September, we begin October next entry… which means we’re almost caught up! 08:43:302010-10-28 08:43:30Nina’s Awesome Day
October, Part II
October, Part I
NOTE – The following two images were added later to this entry:
Continued in Part II!
Nina’s Awesome Day
NOTE – This post was originally published on September 30, 2010 at 11:43pm. I’ve moved it so that it falls in line with the rest of the timeline.
I’m interrupting our regularly scheduled update for this present-day update… then we’ll head back to August. (NOTE – This sentence refers to original publishing date, sorry.)
Later in the day I joined Mommy and Nina for her follow-up visit to the ENT doctor. He took a peek in both of her ears and down each nostril and gave her the diagnosis of “everything is looking great.” Looks like we’re most of the way through this particular pair of hurdles.
Nina apparently chatted and sang all day for the people at daycare after the doctor’s appointment.
That reminds me, yesterday, September 28th, the caregiver at daycare told me that Ian had had an amazing day of communication, that he had stopped being shy and started asking for help, etc. I swear just the other day I explained to him that shyness can get in the way of some things, and that Daddy could have made a lot more friends in his life if he had been less shy. If this conversation had anything to do with his attempts at school to be less shy, I’m ridiculously proud!
NOTE – This post ends the month of September, we begin October next entry… which means we’re almost caught up!