Awesome title pun. Get it, because your kin is your family, right? Ooof, tough crowd!
You remember I mentioned the Xbox 360 Kinect last entry, well, here’s some additional shots from that night. See this is part of what’s cool about the Kinect. It has so many cameras built into it that while it shows you something on your TV indicating that you should look ridiculous, it can still detect whether or not you’re doing it right WHILE taking your picture… you know, so that you can see it later and be embarrassed!
Flap your wings, kiddo, fly like a bird!
The floor is lava!
Here we’re leaning a raft to move in a direction down some rapids. I’m not kidding.
In this game, Mommy and Daddy are actually trying to plug some leaks in an underwater room. Ian’s trying to plug up his nostril, apparently.
I think this was the last of the head tilting on this particular run of it… hopefully the last. See this image larger.
November 4th, Daddy gets another new toy, the Xbox 360 Kinect. It uses your body’s shape as a controller. You can’t see it here, but it is just a camera that looks at what you’re doing with your limbs and interprets that into motion. Come on over sometime, I’ll show you how it works. See this image larger.
Here Ian attempts to teach his pet kitty, which he named Connor, how to do a trick that involves rolling on the floor. I know you’re thinking “how cute,” but it actually works. See this image larger. 22:19:282010-11-18 22:19:28Back to November…
In the interest of trying to catch up, here’s another entry… I’ll do another tonight before I go to bed. Again, these are images pulled from the archives, so some of them are a bit older. Next entry we’ll be back to November 2010 again, I promise. 18:33:112010-11-18 18:33:11From the Mommy Phone Archives, Part II
Awesome title pun. Get it, because your kin is your family, right? Ooof, tough crowd!
You remember I mentioned the Xbox 360 Kinect last entry, well, here’s some additional shots from that night. See this is part of what’s cool about the Kinect. It has so many cameras built into it that while it shows you something on your TV indicating that you should look ridiculous, it can still detect whether or not you’re doing it right WHILE taking your picture… you know, so that you can see it later and be embarrassed!
Back to November…
As I mentioned in the previous entries, I published a few today to try and catch up a little bit. Be sure to scroll down so you don’t miss anything!
From the Mommy Phone Archives, Part II
In the interest of trying to catch up, here’s another entry… I’ll do another tonight before I go to bed. Again, these are images pulled from the archives, so some of them are a bit older. Next entry we’ll be back to November 2010 again, I promise.