So that wrapped up Christmas as the calendar knows it… we celebrate Christmas across many days, however! Santa is pretty amazing. I want to thank Santa and the the Johnsons and Kunzes for their generosity regarding both Christmas and Nina’s birthday. Thanks!
On the 26th we spent some time with Grandma Sue, and special guests my Aunt Leslie, Uncle Gordon and Cousin Tara! Pictured here was an excellent game of catch. I really gotta teach Ian how to catch. See this image larger.
Grandma Sue loves those grandkids! Nina attempt to cast a spell with her magic crayola marker, and Ian attempts to break the world cheese record with one smile. See this image larger.
Melissa kindly snapped this one for us and we were out the door to eat! Awesome to see you all again, thank you for making the trip, and also for your generosity! See this image larger.
At the restaurant, Ian pilfered napkin rings from around the table to become… napkin ring… man. Huh? Oh, sorry. NAPKIN RING MAN… DUN-dun-dun-DUUUUUUUN. See this image larger.
Ian and his cousins were all occupied with an excellent activity… cookie-tree building! Many decorations were eaten—er hung, that day. See this image larger.
Many decorations were eaten—er hung, that day. So what were the parents of these fine children up to during this time? We’ll talk about it next entry! See this image larger. 12:22:132011-02-06 12:22:13Christmas South, Part V: The Saga Continues…
Ok, little one, this is just like what happened this morning, except that it’s all about you instead of all the kids… and Jesus… and Santa. Oh, just open some presents. See this image larger.
Video Click here to watch a video of Nina daintily consuming her first birthday cake. 18:21:022011-02-05 18:21:02Happy First Birthday, Little Girl!
*I love my Daddy!* (At least that’s part of what I remember feeling during this picture… I also remember her filling her diaper. Oh well, either way I’m there to support her, right?) See this image larger.
The ice cream ball. Ben and Mel got it for Christmas – you add the stuff and roll it around. It was pretty awesome, so we got one just like it. Except ours isn’t a ball. And it is electric. Makes ice cream, though! See this image larger.
Look she barely had time to make a cute face, and she’s STILL cute! See this image larger.
Nope, not yet Nina! Next entry it is all about Nina turning one! Update happening soon! 03:49:282011-02-03 03:49:28Christmas South, Part IV
Christmas South, Part V: The Saga Continues…
So that wrapped up Christmas as the calendar knows it… we celebrate Christmas across many days, however! Santa is pretty amazing. I want to thank Santa and the the Johnsons and Kunzes for their generosity regarding both Christmas and Nina’s birthday. Thanks!
Happy First Birthday, Little Girl!
Christmas South, Part IV
Nope, not yet Nina! Next entry it is all about Nina turning one! Update happening soon!