The Rest of November 2009, Part I

Given that Ian periodically stops napping for days on end, I figured we’d never again see that look of wonder as he falters down the stairs, the one we get when he first gets a glimpse of the tree… as it turns out, I was sorta wrong — but you won’t get to see that shot yet. See this image larger.

Anyway, as I said, I figured I wouldn’t get a good face like that, so instead I had Ian help me build the tree. He was a fantastic help, and a very-well behaved listener. I’ve got a great video that I’ll share someday. Here Ian adds the first “ornament” on November 23rd. See this image larger.

November 24th, and the lights are on, and the camera is out! See this image larger.

My camera loves to focus on Christmas lights instead of the subject in front of the Christmas lights. Someday I’ll figure that out. See this image larger.

Dangit, blurry again. See this image larger.

Great smile! See this image larger.

Running around, again! See this image larger.

This is either “shy” or “itchy diaper.” See this image larger.

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