The Perfect Storm

The reference of the title is from the incident made famous by a relatively forgettable movie, wherein three large storms coalesced into one very large, very nasty storm, sinking a fishing boat and her crew. However our perfect storm has to do with the end of July — and I’m asking everybody to bear with our family for a little bit while we weather through it. What are our three large storms combining together?

1.) Packing, moving, and un-packing.

2.) I have a work deadline that falls right around closing day, if not precisely on closing day for the houses. That deadline represents the potential for three more years of work.

3.) Most importantly, Nina’s test this upcoming Thursday for cystic fibrosis should be analyzed by then, and while obviously the result could be a very happy thing, it is the worry ABOUT that verdict that contributes to our perfect storm.

Updates to the blog may again be spotty at best, and I apologize for that. I’ll squeeze them in when I can.

I love you all. Prayers if you have time and the inclination, please.

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