The Good, the Bad, and the Owwie
As Gp Ray and Gm Barb pointed out, we knew he was not doing well over the weekend when his appetite started suffering. The kid went from eating like a horse to pushing on the tray and signing as best he could that he was finished. (Sometimes he even attempts to say “All done,” which sounds more like “Awwdum” or something to that effect.) He also stopped being cooperative in regards to taking his medicine — which didn’t help.
Over the last few days he steadily recovered. Last night I got him home from daycare to discover my boy was very happy and good again, despite a new injury at daycare. He was actually helpful, like tucking his bib under the tray himself, and not only allowing me to give him his medicine, but grabbing it out of my hands and making sure he got it all. (In this case, a measured dose in a plastic syringe, without needle, of course.)
07/23/08 Daycare Report
Ian had a good day. He loved splashing in the water out on our playground. Ian also did 3 signs today: Please, Eat and More 🙂 What a big boy.
07/23/08 Daycare INCIDENT Report
Ian had just finished washing his hands when he started running to his cot. He tripped and fell hitting his left eye on the edge of his cot causing a scuff/burn.
We still like this daycare quite a bit. At least they fully explain his injuries and it rarely sounds like he isn’t being watched. At our previous daycare we would sometimes hear “We’re not quite sure how that happened.” To which I always replied, in my head: “We’re not quite sure why we’re paying you.” The new daycare is much better about this. Accidents happen, I get that; it is when stupid adult decisions lead to my son being injured that I get upset. So far so good at the new place.
Here’s some great shots from daycare.
Ian’s communication skills have skyrocketed in the last week or so. He’s much better at signing, much better at speaking. We’re hearing all kinds of phrases now… a lot of them I think are simply more clear and recognizable, and others are brand spanking new. This picture is the sign for “please.” Rub your chest like it warms your heart. See this image larger.
The sign for “eat” (bring all the fingers together in a point on one hand and kiss the fingers of your hand repeatedly, like you’re shoveling food in) of which can also be used to say “food” or “hungry?” or “hungry!!!” See this image larger.
Here’s the sign for more. You just take your two hands and bring the fingers together in each hand, to a point… then bring both pointed finger groups to meet. This can be used for anything, but with Ian it generally means “more food.” See this image larger.
Woohoo! Water and some toy balls. That kid’s in heaven. (Nice to see that when you provide footies, they put them on him!) See this image larger.
If you’re happy and you know it, then screaming at the top of your lungs will surely show it. See this image larger.
Finally, a picture of his owwie. It’s sad to see him hurt, but if you look carefully at the shape of his eyes, you can see he was smiling a bit already when this shot was taken. That’s a good sign. (It’s already healed quite a bit!) See this image larger.