Sunday Best

Below are some pics of Ian in some pretty sweet church clothes!

Here’s some general updates/stories as well:
• Since his birthday, Ian has been facing forward in his car seat(s).

• He’s also been trying some table food.

• One of the pics below shows Ian lying on the floor. It is hard to explain why this is different than before, but there’s a noticeable level of enjoyment now. He’s comfortable rolling around and looking at things from different perspectives, perhaps holding a toy aloft above his head against the backdrop of the ceiling.

• He’s a professional sippy-cup user now… well, almost. He’s been using one for months, but now he understands that if he tips the cup up, he gets milk more easily. The part he doesn’t yet get is that it is also easier to get milk with the sippy part on the bottom. He pretty much grabs a handle at random and tries to drink from there.

• He says “ball” pretty clearly and has associated the term with spheres, or a picture of, say, a basketball. There’s a number of words he tries to parrot, but this is one of the few he really does associate with an object and can speak, like the word “light.”

• He’s getting better about pointing at things that he would like to see closer, and as I mentioned last entry, “are you hungry?” almost always results in him rushing as far as the gates will let him, looking back over his shoulder at the asker and sometimes pointing toward his high chair.

• Walking is his preferred method of movement. Despite the fact that crawling might even be a better thing to do in a scenario, he generally stands up and walks rather than crawl.

• Tonight Mama used a phrase that we throw around the house fairly often, I guess mostly because of video games… the phrase is “You GOT it.” She used this in celebration of Ian finding a lost sheep toy. Ian replied “Uh got it.” Now, I’m not saying our child knows the difference between “you” and “I” yet; I actually think that was his attempt at saying “you.”

Wow, this could be the next cover of a Gap Baby catalog if it weren’t for the penitentiary walls we have around the “play compound.”
See this image larger.

Ian’s career in modeling would be a sure thing if he didn’t have to stick his tongue out in concentration to keep from falling over doing his turn on the catwalk.
See this image larger.

I get about 5 moments like this that I get to experience on a daily basis… These moments make me wonder how I ever questioned having a kid. Of course, he’ll be a teenager in a decade or so… ask me again then! (Seriously though, I thank God for these moments.) See this image larger.

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