So How’d That Turn Out, Part II

Last night Ian counted bunnies on the back of a book properly… as in, pointing to each character and assigning them a digit. “One…” “…Two!” And the two had a sense of finality to it, so this felt a little different than his usual counting, in which he points all over the page and counts to ten, regardless of the number of characters. To be sure, I turned the book over and showed him the other two bunnies. He counted them. I then opened the book so that both covers could be seen, and he counted to four. This morning he looked on the back of his cereal box and perfectly counted the six characters on the back of the box, pointing a finger at each, with the last number given that same sound of finality. Awesome! Just to be clear, he’s been reciting numbers for a good long time. Now he’s actually taking a true census of whatever it is he’s counting.

This morning Ian woke up dry, was directed to the bathroom, and he peed in the potty! Same thing happened after breakfast!! We’re showering him in praise and even a little bit of candy so that he knows he’s doing the right thing. You go, kiddo!

EDIT – UPDATE – Ian peed in the potty again later in the day, and then actually did a 1 AND 2 combo after that!!! Four for four!!! AWESOME!!! (If you’re wondering when this turn around happened I mentioned it a few days ago, and I will mention it again a couple entries from now.)

EDIT – UPDATE – And another pee… Five for five!

EDIT – UPDATE – And another poop… Six for six!

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