Show and Tell, Part I (the show part)
I forgot to mention Mommy’s b-day in addition to Ian’s.I didn’t forget to get her a present and a sort of card with ian pictures in it, but I did forget to mention it here. The highlight was making Ian present an armful of flowers to his mommy when we got back from daycare.
Melissa took the day off of work Monday because she was feeling bad… she’s been feeling horrible since Friday night. She’s doing much better now, and will probably go back into work as of today (which should be Wednesday if I get this entry up.)
As far as Ian news goes, he’s all about talk these days — but you’ll have to wait for the next entry to hear some of the latest things that he’s been saying. You won’t believe how quickly he’s learning.
Before I get started on the pictures, I wanted to mention that we went to our 2 year check-up today, and Ian is 27.8 lbs, 34 inches tall, and healthy. His ears even looked good. We asked the doctor about Ian’s troubles with ear infections, that this alone had us a bit worried about hearing loss, and she was not worried… she said the proof is in his vocabulary, and I agree. She was a bit shocked to hear him say “I did it!” for putting a tongue depressor in the wire-o binding of Melissa’s notebook… They apparently were hoping for a 20 word vocabulary, and he’s rattling of three word sentences… but really that’s par the course these days.
This is NOT a picture of me dancing to the theme of Spongebob Squarepants, no matter HOW it looks. Does Ian maybe look a little older than the last round of pictures? I think he does… hang on it gets worse. wait until the last picture of the entry… See this image larger.
We took the hardware off of these drawers, because the handles were sharp and pointy, and also because without handles, we didn’t ever have to worry about Ian getting into them, right?. After all, what’s left but some very slender screw-holes? Waaaait a minute. Is that a sucker? See this image larger.
Yes, our clever little boy defeated us yet again with a simple candy sucker… specifically the handle end. Stick it all the way in, apply pressure to a side, and pull. He didn’t get it more than an inch or two open, but who cares… the fact that he thought to do this floors me. See this image larger.
I’m not sure what it is about this picture, but when I look at it, for the first time I feel like I know what he’s going to look like when he’s older. Something about his head and neck — hard to say. Here he shows off his stair climbing ability. See this image larger.