Short Stories

November 18th –
Daddy – “Nothing’s happening in this video. Are you bored?”
Ian – “You’re with me, so I’m not bored.” (He said this matter-of-factly or else I’d have thought he was buttering me up for something. Instead he just meant it like he said… it was sort of “How could I possibly be bored when you’re here?” or I guess possibly “…when anybody else is here?”)

November 23rd (estimated) –
Ian -“Hi Honey!” (imitating Mommy, yelling down the steps)

November 27th –
Kaylee – “Why does it keep spinnin’ wound and wound?” (Waiting for a movie on Netflix Instant Watch.)
Ian – “That’s cuz it is loadin’ up, Kaylee.”

November 29th –
Daddy – “So… we can move your bed back to your room?” (From Nina’s… so I could paint his room Garden Spot green.)
Ian – “No, I want to sleep in Nina’s room!”
Daddy – “… … (thinking…) But you are keeping her awake at night, I think, buddy.”
Ian – “No, SHE’s makin’ ME not sleep!”
Daddy – “Well I wonder what we could do about that? What do you think?”
Ian – “Move my bed to MY room!”
Daddy – “Awesome idea, kiddo.”

December 3rd –
Today and yesterday we received notes from Nina’s teacher in her daily report about “jail” time. We asked about this and it turns out Nina’s been a bit of a bad girl! I understand that she’s been standing up at a metal gate and shaking it loudly while babies are sleeping, taking zooeys and I guess she even gave somebody a little tap. I consider that to be mostly harmless at this point, so I’m giggling. When she gets to be Ian’s age I’ll be a little more concerned.

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