She Can Stand!!!

That’s what I wrote to Melissa in a text message today about Nina… “She can stand!!!” Melissa asked for clarification, and I explained – ” I’m just holding her from tipping. She can stand for about 15 seconds!! Her little legs lock and she’s fairly stable, even! I guess that’s maybe no different than when she’s in the exersaucer?” The exersaucer is like a pair of underpants in the middle of a plastic doughnut full of toys. The child can spin and sort of stand in it…

But when Melissa came home I showed her what I was talking about. I picked Nina up and transferred my grip to her hands. And she stood there, like a human letter “T” – arms stretched wide, and stance locked fairly solid. And Melissa was as surprised, because this was indeed a major step forward, and happened very suddenly.

Earlier today I was changing her diaper, and just as I completed the task, Nina said “Ah-kee!” And it sounded for all the world (particularly in cadence and conversational tone) like “All clean!” I immediately dismissed this as a trick of my ears or something, but wanted to mention it here in case Wednesday morning she says something like “I don’t wanna go to school.”

About three days ago I saw her distinctly pass a pacifier from her right hand, to her left, like it was something she’s done a thousand times before.

House news: Our house is the final stretch… it is “sold” in every sense of the word other than actual ownership, and some signatures. Updates to the blog are going to come slowly and late, because we’re now up against a new enemy – time. We’ve got about 35 days to find a new home and move into it – or else we get to move into some kind of rental. We just can’t find anything that we like at the moment – at least not without getting into a mortgage that we’d hate.

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