Rough Roads

I know that from the title you probably think we’re talking about the economy, which apparently did its absolute worst today. No, instead it has been Ian’s latest cold, and accompanying ear infection. I’ll warn you in advance, this blog entry is graphic in its description.

I took him to the doctor’s office on Wednesday and the pediatrician there (Dr. Benitez, for my own personal notes) was horrible. She couldn’t seem to understand how old Ian is. “If I geev you a freeze pohp can I check yor cheest?” she asked, twice. “It’ll be better if you just check him, he doesn’t understand what a freeze pop is, and doesn’t get the deal.” I replied for Ian. “But I don’t want to make him cry.” “You should probably just try.”

Neither Ian or I could understand her very well. She seemed to treat him like he was a 3-4 year old. And I personally think that if she’s worried about making kids cry she’s in the wrong line of work. Also, at this point I’ve already had it with her.

Anyway… so there were other things like this where she just didn’t get it, I could tell. She offers up a prescription for Omnicef. It says in his chart and I’d already told the nurse that he had had a reaction to Omnicef. Instead she tells me that her other choice is Amoxycillan, but she doesn’t think that’s going to work, so something perhaps in the strength of Augmentan. “But it might cause diarrhea, so if it geets bad, cawr me.” “Bad?” “Yes, ear infections are bad bec-” “I get that, what constitutes bad diarrhea? I mean, it is already a bad-” (I was going to say, it’s diarrhea, that’s bad already right? If diarrhea = unfriendly diapers and unhappy babies… then what’s bad diarrhea? Diaper blow-out? Eyes crossing? Instant dehydration?) She comes back to me with something about why diarrhea is bad… you know that it can sit in his diaper and form a rash, completely missing my point. At this point I’m starting to think I’m talking to McCain’s running mate, so I give up.

Well, it turns out Augmentan is the drug that caused Ian to get really ill when we were in Ohio for Thanksgiving last year. I’m assuming it was right next to Omnicef on the chart on a list entitled “Oh. My. God. Don’t give this to Ian.” Sadly I didn’t remember the name. Melissa remembered, but too late. Besides, when she remembered, he had been taking it for a few days and was apparently fine.

All day today he threw up all over the place.

He’s been an awesome trooper about the whole thing. Having fun between clean-ups and whatnot. But I’ve had three half-days of work and it’s been a busy week — this day in particular has me seeing red. I feel bad for Gramma Sue who just showed up here a day ago in time for the barf fountain, and to see me at my worst. Hopefully all will be well by tomorrow. More details about Gramma Sue’s visit in a less colorful entry to follow.

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