Presently: Stories

A couple of quick stories while they’re fresh on my mind.

Ian completely strapped himself into his own car seat today, after opening the car door and climbing inside.

I asked Ian if he’d like to get dressed first or go potty this morning. “Go potty, I suppose,” he responded. Who taught him “I suppose?”

Nina is much more talkative these days… up, down, kitty, baby, mama, daddy, ready-set-go, sorry. Funny I said that “much more talkative.” She’s extremely talkative, all of the time, it is just a matter of understanding what she’s saying.

Ian – “Where is the other book like this one?”
Melissa – “I don’t know honey, we’re going to have to look for it.”
Ian – “Well we know we have this one because it is right here in my hand.”

Me to Melissa – “Any preference on which of the kids I take to go to the other end of Meijer?”
Melissa – “Doesn’t really matter.”
Ian – “Pick ME! Pick ME, Daddy! Because you’re my daddy, and I love you and… you’re my best friend.”
Melissa and I – (Gush, melt, etc.)

Nina’s so very interesting at this age, because she’s saying a few things, but can understand so much more than she can say. For example Melissa said to Nina “No honey, you need to put that back in the cupboard.” And you might find yourself thinking “Ok, there’s like a seven step process there, and at least two key concepts she would have to grasp to do this. Which parts will she actually understand?” And then, without saying a word, she does it all, perfectly. Turns around, opens the door, places the item face out, closes the door, and smiles big.

Ian said that two things looked “similar” the other night. Mommy and Ian had a big discussion about similarities and differences.

More soon, I promise. Huge deadlines early this week, but then things return to normal.

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