Presently: Nina Update
Mommy updated Nina’s Care Page with some news I had yet to write out in the blog… for those of you not subscribed to it, here is what she wrote, because I couldn’t have said it better myself!
June 24, 2011–Open Heart Surgery Postponed!
Nina went back to the cardiologist today for another echo and the results were fabulous! The cardiologist said her heart is functioning very well and he sees no reason to schedule the surgery now. He is going to review Nina’s echo images with the whole cardiology team, including the pediatric heart surgeon, to make sure no one else sees something that would change the opinion, but as of now it appears we will be able to wait another whole year (or more maybe!) before we schedule Nina’s open heart surgery! Daran and I are thrilled, to say the least!I asked specifically if any of the holes had closed and the cardiologist mentioned that they didn’t see any holes between the lower chambers (2 holes closed!), but that there were still two holes between the upper chambers (making up her ASD–atrial septal defect). Two holes down and two to go!
One other win from today. I mentioned in the last post that the cardiologist wanted to sedate Nina for this echo because toddlers (18 month olds) generally do not hold still enough to get good images. I said okay initially, but then really second-guessed that decision since Nina has been so healthy and doing so well lately. I called the cardiology office a week or so ago to see if our physician would be open to “trying” the echo without sedation and he said okay (although reluctantly I’m sure).
The echo today was done in the cardiology office without sedation and Nina did brilliantly! The tech allowed me (mom) to lay on the table next to Nina, to hold her/comfort her, and Nina held really still for about the first 20-30 minutes… just laying there, holding onto my fingers tightly with both of her hands… and then she fell asleep for the remainder of the procedure. The tech mentioned toward the end that she was going to take a few extra pictures/angles because Nina was doing so well. And our cardiologist admitted that I “proved him wrong” in regards to needing sedation! (Have I mentioned lately that we love our cardiologist!) I’m so glad I pushed back on the sedation and I’m so proud of Nina for once again being such a little trooper!
Thanks to everyone for the continued prayers and support, and thanks to God for holding our family close and keeping Nina safe. I believe that He created us with the ability to heal ourselves (to a certain extent) and having two of Nina’s holes close gives me encouragement that the other two “might” close as well. I know I’ll continue praying for that!
For I am the Lord, who heals you. Exodus 15:26