Presently: Kid Update
From our CarePage via Melissa:
The tests for Nina have been scheduled for this Thursday (July 22). We start off the day with another physical therapy appointment for her head/neck from 9-10 a.m. at Mary Free Bed. (Nina’s first physical therapy appointment was today and she did great!) We go immediately from Mary Free Bed over to Spectrum Health/Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital for a 10:30 a.m. sweat chloride test, checking for Cystic Fibrosis. I know the sweat collection takes at least 30 minutes, but not sure how long the entire appointment will last. Our final test on Thursday is the CT scan at 1 p.m. to confirm whether Nina needs surgery for her blocked nasal passage. I was asked to bring Nina tired and hungry to that appointment in hopes of feeding her on-site and having her fall asleep for the scan. Otherwise, they will have to sedate her. Please pray that everything aligns on Thursday so that she will fall asleep at just the right time! The scan itself is only suppose to take about 5 minutes. I’ve been told that results from both of these test will take approximately 3-5 days, but I’m not holding my breath. We’ve been through this waiting before, so we’ll just see.
I must say a public thank you to God for coordinating all these appointments. I had not mentioned Nina’s scheduled therapy times to the referral coordinator who scheduled these additional tests, and amazingly I don’t have any meetings on my calendar at work on Thursday. I’m sure God really had a hand in all this planning. Amazing!
Now an update on our other child–sweet 3-year old Ian. He has been having intestinal issues (i.e. loose bowel movements/diarrhea) off and on for a couple weeks now, so we decided it was time to take him into the doctor to find out what was going on. Daran took him yesterday (Monday, July 19) and found out that Ian has lost a pound since his last appointment on June 23. The doctor was concerned about the weight lost so prescribed Zantac to see if that would help calm any stomach acid he has and hopefully correct the diarrhea to get him back on track with weight gain. The doctor also told Daran that we have 10 days to “fix” the problem or Ian would be referred to a GI specialist for further testing. (When it rains, it pours!) Please pray that this issue resolves itself and that there is no underlying problem(s) causing this symptom. Please also pray that Ian is willing to take his medicine–he spit out the dose this morning.
Daran and I are hanging in there and keeping ourselves occupied. Thankfully we have just bought a new house and are moving at the end of next week (also in God’s plan I’m sure!). This “distraction” has helped to keep our minds off worrying 24/7. Please pray that God continues to coordinate all our schedules as perfectly as He has so far, and that he will give our family the peace, patience and perseverance to get through the next several weeks… especially as we wait on test results for Nina.
Blessings to each of you!