Presently, in 2011

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that presently Nina and Ian are a little sick but getting over it, we think. It was barf-o-rama over here for a few nights, though.

Nina had her 12 month “well visit” at the doctor (curiously just before she got sick) and was deemed a healthy little girl. We’re keeping an eye on her weight, which is just a tiny bit under where we’d like it — and also on her neck muscles. She got 5 pokies and cried right out of the gate this time.

On Sunday Ian and I went outside to take down the Christmas lights, and I dragged him around the house on a sled. We had a lot of fun, and Ian was a good helper.

One of the funny things that happened after we got back from Florida is that I realized I had a full 16 GB card on my camera — and I couldn’t easily fit that on my computer, which already has 22,000 pictures of the kids on it. (You think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not.) Looking into some options there, but the Florida trip may be slightly delayed in terms of appearance on the blog while I figure out what needs to come off my drive.

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