Pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving, Part III
The 14th continues… around here, or maybe a bit earlier, the ladies left the boys all alone with the kids so that they could go shopping. I know this might sound like punishment, but believe me when I say, the shopping that was going on benefits everybody… or at least that’s what I was told to say. (I’m kidding.) See this image larger.
Connor and Ian checked the sandbox for fun and found a little inside. See this image larger.
Rare photographic proof that somebody else was at this gathering other than the three stars of our show, pictured here riding a plastic turtle! See this image larger.
Ray took these with his camera, and managed to pull this shot off, which is great considering how long these three squirmers were willing to hold still. See this image larger.
Sitting on the deck, kinda. See this image larger.
Really they’re sitting on a big hunk of plastic that wasn’t meant to be sat on, is that comfortable Ian? After this it was time to come inside… I think we’ve only got another 2-3 entries for the 14th of November!! :O See this image larger.