October, Part IV

October 6th, this is the treat that Ian requested from the pink ice cream truck, stored in the freezer for a day when he behaved a little better and finished his dinner. Here he discovers that cold food can sometimes be a little too cold. See this image larger.

But still delicious… See this image larger.

Nina is temporarily thrilled that her brother is going to share his M&M treat with her… this is before we broke the bad news to her… See this image larger.

BONUS VIDEO! October 7th, behold the face of a girl trying puffs for the first time. If you don’t know what a puff is, imagine something like a… piece of popcorn, without the shell, that is specially formulated to completely melt in your mouth into goo in moments. The idea is, something to try and chew, but failing that not dangerous. Click here to watch the video!

October 8th, Ian had his PJ bottoms pulled all the way up to his armpits. It was cute, but probably not really (bad) photo worthy. See this image larger.

October 9th, Ian tries out his cool book wherein they teach him to trace inside the lines. He did awesome. This is at least his second time playing with this book, and he did very well the first time, months ago. See this image larger.

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