Now and Then

Ian’s hand-eye coordination continues to astound. I’ll share a video at some point that shows him combining different toys together in ways you didn’t think a one-year-old could manage, I’m guessing.

We had a recent doctor visit… he’s not quite up the weight he should be, but otherwise he’s fine. No signs of ear infection, thank God. He got 4 shots this trip, two of which were new to him, not just updates. He handles the shots well… there’s crying at first and then just as suddenly he is usually over it. This time it was a little worse, but this is also because he has a new cold that is giving him a nasty cough. So you can tell he’s miserable, but he fights through it if you play with him a bit, and despite the pain in his legs from the shots and his congestion he musters a nice smile.

At the doctor’s office he was running around their spacious lobby like crazy and laughing his butt off; mostly apparently thrilled to just be moving and being allowed to do so seemingly at will. (We were right near him, of course… he’s got shoes that he wears now that are akin to a moccasin, and he’s only just getting used to them.)

Another generalization, he’s definitely entering a new phase of development. The likelihood of a sippy cup ending up on the floor, for instance, instead of on his high chair tray has gone up dramatically. He’s getting a lot more sassy, if one can be sassy without using too many words. But he’s still the baby that causes complete strangers to approach us to remind us that we’ve got a very good baby.

We’ve been playing various music CDs and songs for him on his Christmas and birthday toys, and surprise, surprise, he seems to be having a problem keeping himself still while the tunes are playing. Currently he bobs his upper torso up and down a bit, which looks more like a seizure than a dance, but you can tell he’s working out the kinks.

As I was dealing with Ian’s cold, the snow and the freezing temperatures, I remembered how much footage I had from our last trip of the year up to Fawn Island and decided to put together something with more of a summer theme even though it is months old. I figured this might warm us all up a bit. This is one of the larger movies that I’ve put up here, so be prepared for a long download. Once again, click the link, and wait until you’re instructed to hit play.

Click here to view the movie.

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