November Dialogue and Milestones

Dialogue, November 3rd
Ian: “It seems like every superhero’s last name is man”

Milestone, November 3rd
Ian dipped his chip in salsa, voluntarily.

Milestone, November 3rd
Nina cried a record-setting 30 minutes straight, because she missed Mommy.

Milestone, November 17th
Ian got a “sick bucket” for Mommy, who wasn’t feeling well.

Dialogue, November 5th
Ian at Pizza Hut, this was the bit of dialogue that helped me remember when Ian was making faces at the baby in the restaurant. “Filling up a bucket” is a technique in kindergarten of making somebody’s day, instead of ruining their day . “I’m filling up that baby’s bucket and he’s filling up mine!”

Dialogue, November 24th
Daddy: “Who is this guy?”
Ian: “That guy, right there on the paper? I know that’s Santa. It really is. Or somebody dressed up like Santa.”

Dialogue, November 24th
Ian: “17 is apparently yellow.”

Dialogue, November 24th
Daddy: “Ok, now you need to clean up the pizza set.”
Nina: “I don’t wanna clean up forever, I wanna play wif da doll house!”

Dialogue, November 24th
Nina, watching a commercial on TV, of a car flying off a ramp: “It’s going up in the air. It’s going in the air. It’s going to… Grampa Dave’s house!”

Dialogue, November 27th
Ian, during the Connor/Kaylee visit: “I just need a little time to myself.”

Milestone, November 27th
Ian received a pair of shoes, while Nina received toys, as a gift from company. He choked back tears, came quietly to me, and grabbed me in a hug. I picked Ian up and took him out of the room, and he quietly wept… in the other room he explained why it wasn’t fair, to me. But he did not freak out immediately, as would be typical. It was extremely mature, and I was very proud.


Daycare Notes, Thursday, November 1 Nina’s caregiver: Nina said “I did it! I did it!” Each time she peeled a sticker today. When it was time to play with Legos, Nina built a microphone! Get a great job sorting pictures as well.

Daycare Notes, Friday, November 2 Nina’s caregiver: Nina made a big tower with Legos then started singing “old McDonald” into it. (Daddy note – A “tower?” Sounds like another microphone to me.) Happy birthday daddy!

Daycare Notes, Monday, November 5 Nina’s caregiver: Nina enjoyed doing art with sticky paper! She also made a very silly potato head. I’m the playground Nina pretended a piece of equipment was a boat and told everyone she was going into the “dark night.”

Daycare Notes, Tuesday, November 6 Nina’s caregiver: When Nina was smelling vegetables, she said the celery smelled “peppery.” She dated so many veggies! Overall Nina had a great day although at times she was a little more emotional than normal.

Daycare Notes, Wednesday, November 7 Nina’s caregiver: When Nina was playing in dramatic play I heard her say, “everyone come to the dance party with me!” She said “Yum!” When she tried our veggie soup! Nina had lots of fun hopping on the hopscotch!

Daycare Notes, Thursday, November 8 Nina’s caregiver: Nina enjoyed painting a picture for mommy and daddy! She’s different veggie shapes to paint her picture. Yeah like using the color green the most.

Daycare Notes, Friday, November 9 Nina’s caregiver: During center time Nina enjoyed matching colors! She plays the yellow pom-pom balls in the yellow bowl and the same with orange, green, and purple.

Daycare Notes, Monday, November 12 Nina’s caregiver: Nina had so much fun on a big bouncy ball! She both a very long road in the car area! She really enjoyed handprint painting as well! she did a great job cutting play go with scissors!

Daycare Notes, Tuesday, November 13 Nina’s caregiver: Really enjoyed playing with the rain sticks she loved shaking and tipping them and listening to the different sound.

Daycare Notes, Wednesday, November 15 Nina’s caregiver: Nina had a big smile when she was acting silly. She put the legal tree pieces on all of her fingers so she had “tree fingers.” she also enjoyed playing in the tent.

Daycare Notes, Friday, November 16 Nina’s caregiver: Nina had a lot of fun going through the drive-through on her bicycle! She was very excited to go to Gymboree. Nina worked very hard at singing stringing beads and she was very good at it!

Daycare Notes, Monday, November 19 Nina’s caregiver: Nina enjoyed rocking on the boats while singing “jump up and down.” During circle time she said she was thankful for “mommy.” She built a birthday cake out of Legos.

Daycare Notes, Tuesday, November 20 Nina’s caregiver: Enjoyed coloring with markers today! She also had a lot of fun using the magnifying glass to look at bugs.

Daycare Notes, Monday, November 26 Nina’s caregiver: Nina love playing with the instruments her favorite was the Morocco. She waited so nicely for a turn with the bikes outside. She put “gas” in it, too!

Tumble Time note Nina is doing awesome in tumble time! She does great following directions and your skills look great!

Daycare Notes, Tuesday, November 27 Nina’s caregiver: Nina had so much fun wrapping toilet paper around her body, so we could make her a spiderweb.

Daycare Notes, Wednesday, November 28 Nina’s caregiver: Nina had a fun day she had a blast playing with and counting dog bones. She tried them all up in a row. She said “only dogs eat bones, not kids” it was cute.

Daycare Notes, Thursday, November 29 Nina’s caregiver: When she was outside, she decided not to go down the slide with a friend because she “has to go to work.” Missing lots of different versions of “ABC’s” today. She sang slow and fast. She sang a cupcake version and an attitude-y rap version. (Daddy note: That last version is my fault… the kids and I do that in the car.)

Daycare Notes, Thursday, November 29 Milestones accident report: Nina was running to go to the lower tunnel when she bumped her for head into the bottom of the stairs. She was a little disoriented and immediately ran into a pole.

Daycare Notes, Friday, November 30 Nina’s caregiver: Nina had lots of fun tossing and catching balloons! She enjoyed reading Christmas stories with Mrs. Jillian and making a “birthday cake” out of Legos.

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