Night On The Town

Lots of amusing stories from last night — Ian was in a great mood and I think the three hour nap helped. Lots of good pictures too…

• Ian tried to say a lot of things tonight. I heard him say “light” which I haven’t heard him try to say in months. He tried to say football, but I believe said goodball. He tried to say many others but is having trouble forming the words. You can tell he’s really trying now, and has much tighter control over his vocal chords. He also babbles all the time, in my mind he’s trying to practice forming different sounds.

• We went out to eat at TGiF’s and had a fun dinner. We ordered Ian some food but it mostly went untouched. Why, you ask? Because he was eating everybody else’s; particularly Grandpa Ray’s. I think the hilarity started when Melissa let Ian have his plastic kiddy spoon. He picked it up and pointed it firmly at Grandpa Ray’s broccoli and cheese soup, as if it were a wand from Harry Potter and the spell was “GIMME.” Grandpa Ray was kind enough to share. Later when the spoon was out of reach but he had been reminded that GP Ray’s bowl was not yet empty, he looked up at his Mom and pointed to his spoon and then Ray’s bowl so that she completely understood the order of events that would lead to happiness. (In case I forget to mention it later, he ate like a champ from everybody’s plate… he had broccoli and cheese soup, spinach dip on nachos, mashed potatoes, a few small french fries, parts of the kid meal pizza, he ate broccoli on its own, and a few other things. Still didn’t go for an offered strawberry.)

• Toward the end of the night tonight he tried to get up on a couch, and failed. Pulled a pillow off the couch. (Which looked to me like an accident, but only for a moment as Melissa pointed out what happened next…) Ian stepped on the pillow and now had the reach and height to pull a leg up onto the top surface of the couch. He didn’t quite make it, so I gave him a tiny boost, but the logic that he was using was impressive. He then reached down and grabbed the pillow, plopped it on the couch, and fell over on it like he was going to go to sleep, little dupa pointed straight up to the sky. He didn’t actually go to sleep, but it was still very funny.

• A quick apology for not whipping out my camera earlier… it is amazing how few shots we get of grandparents when we’re only using their cameras! But here comes a few, I promise! (Hopefully a few more on Sunday!)

VRRRRRRMMMM, EEERT! VRRRRRRRM, HMMVRRRRRRRRM HMMVRRRRRRM! Ian Racer performs another lap in his Mach 5 laundry basket. See this image larger.

If you get out a coat and hold it near Ian, even if it isn’t his, prepare for him to dive into it and head for the door… he’s a boy that likes going outside! (Alternate caption: “And I do my little turn on the catwalk…”) See this image larger.

Melissa mentioned Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain when she saw this picture. He does look like he’s putting on a bit of a show, does he not? See this image larger.

At TGiF’s, GP Ray and Ian enjoy a brief smile before getting back to the serious business of eating. See this image larger.

He did such a great job eating that Melissa gave him a high five. He turned to GP Ray and gave another. And then, get this… he turned to me and offered me a high five. It is one thing to ask for a high five or offer up a hand to kid his age and hope to get one, and another thing entirely when he targets you like he didn’t want to leave you out and initiates a high five. To top that off, he then went for a high ten, from both GP Ray and his mama… the effort paid off, as pictured here. See this image larger.

Clapping along with GM Barb! That tongue is out as a sign of his complete concentration! See this image larger.

Sharing a quick giggle with GM Barb before jammy time! See this image larger.

Ian tilts his head in interest, or is he trying to bite the foam off of the swing pole? Hopefully the former! See this image larger.

This was definitely the weekend of drool. We now think a tooth that we thought was already through is still making its way to the gumline. He slept pretty good last night, so maybe we’re almost in the clear. See this image larger.

Here you can see that Ian’s play area is open all the way to the back wall of the house now… but that’s not where the toys are! 😉 See this image larger.

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