More Nina Grandparents, Part I

Sorry about the delay, folks… we’re trying to return to normalcy around here in many ways. Melissa and I actually got to see a movie the other night, on TV. Nina’s sleep schedule is getting to where we want it, almost. Lots to tell so let’s get to it!

Here’s a quick note to all the grandparents – please go get your camera right now, open up the settings, and make sure that the date and time are correct. You have my thanks if you do this for me, and here’s why: I try to do the blog in chronological order. Your camera stamps a time and date on each picture file. I can sort by that date. If the date is wrong, this is all for naught. Please help.

This first shot is way out of order with the rest of them, but I thought it would be important to show the bili blanket as the whole thing looked. In time I’m giving myself permission to move this picture with the rest of those that correspond to this topic. Nina doesn’t look happy, does she? See this image larger.

Grandma Sue showed up on January 4th, 2010 to meet Nina and see Ian again… this picture was taken on the 5th, as Ian listens with rapt attention to a Curious George story! See this image larger.

Ian and Mommy use their Dyson’s to clean up the house a bit.

They did a good job, no?

Grandma Barb and Grampa Ray arrived on the 6th to see our cute little bundle! For those trying to keep track of the continuity, it was this morning, a bit before Barb and Ray arrived, that we found out that Nina’s chromosome test came back normal. See this image larger.

We went out to eat at Cinqo de Mayo that night. Ian enjoyed a chip in some salsa, and showed off what a good little boy he can be at dinner! See this image larger.

Ian goes for a ride on a one-Ray open sleigh! See this image larger.

That night, and Grandma Sue takes Ian on another romp with George! See this image larger.

Word of Nina’s birth reaches Ian’s daycare. They were kind enough to make dinner for us one night later on in the week. These are good people. I’ll re-format this image someday so that it fits better. Apologies. See this image larger.

Nina’s flare for the dramatic surfaces all the time. See this image larger.

More soon, as I have time.

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