More Random Stuff

About two nights ago, we asked Ian what we should name his little sister when she is born sometime in January… he said “Tewiffic.”

Today Ian told me that I’m the most wonderful father in the world. I’m not kidding. It’s on a Leap Frog DVD, this little frog enters a contest wherein he has to describe his dad as the most wonderful dad in the world… so Ian obviously picked it up from there. Nice anyway though, isn’t it?

Some nights have been more difficult than others for getting Ian to sleep, lately. Tonight at around 10:00pm I looked up to see his light on, which is not a good sign… and under the door I could see 10 little toes wedged under the door from the other side. I ended up having to wiggle my fingers under the door, push his toes out, lift one foot slightly up… all so I could open the door a few inches and slide my whole arm into his room. From there I was able to bend his leg at the knee, and get his other foot out of the way. I then picked him up and put him in bed, and he didn’t wake up through any of this. Crazy kid.

Can’t wait to share some pictures from the last couple of days!!! We’ve got some good ones! Maybe tomorrow at lunch I’ll have time. Big crunchy deadlines for Daddy.

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