More Nina Grandparents, Part II

On January the 8th, 2010 Nina had another check-up with Dr. Bultje, with little to report, and in this case, no news is good news! See this image larger.

Grandma Barb holds Nina in one of her many outfits of the day, this one a catchy pink and white number with a luxurious purple evening blanket suited for a night out on any town. See this image larger.

Here Grampa Ray models with Nina in purple jumper wrapped in a formal white blanket with pink border, perfect for office meeting or interview. See this image larger.

January the 9th, 2010 turned out to be a major day for pictures! So for the rest of this entry we will focused on that day. Here, Ian and I snuggle up to play a quick game of “Cars.”

If 90% of your body is asleep, this is about how much you can smile, sorry folks.

Grampa Ray helps build a tunnel that Ian had fun spelunking! See this image larger.

There’s a little smile! She actually fussed for a total of two minutes just for fun…

…and quickly discovered that Grampa Ray makes for a good crib. See this image larger.

Meanwhile Ian took the ladies on a trip to downtown Rockford to see ice sculptures!

Pretty cool stuff down there!

Ian poses for a picture with Grandma Sue — all grins this early in the photoshoot! See this image larger.

Proud Mommy and baby girl! See this image larger.

This picture looks like the perfect time to proclaim that Ian is doing brilliant as an older brother. Ian has handled having to share his parents with the sort of grace that only the bravest of children could know. I imagine this would have to be very hard, and I often think of what I must have meant to my brother when I was first born. That said, here he wanted Nina the heck off of him. Pronto. See this image larger.

Grampa Ray proudly holds two of his grandkids, while Nina flashes Ian a peace sign. See this image larger.

Eventually there got to be too many clicks of the shutter and we started getting faces like this from Ian… See this image larger.

A bribe of c-a-n-d-y was offered by a certain parent of his in the room who shall go un-named but wasn’t me, and blammo, just look at that genuine smile! See this image larger.

However holding grandchildren is all it takes to bring a grin to these grandmas’ faces! See this image larger.

A bonus amount of coinage from a change purse was also supplied, and Ian made quick work of putting it all in his robot bank! See this image larger.

Meanwhile Grandma Sue sneaks in a quick hug with baby girl!

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