More Hijinx

Craziness ahoy! All of these from August 23, 2009…

Ian feeds another coaster into the credenza. Perhaps in his mind he’s shoving quarters in a Wurlitzer. Which reminds me, all coins were pennies until recently, and our little boy upgraded to asking for quarters. Inflation these days. See this image larger.

*I know, let’s take all the toys out of the toy box aaaand… sit in it.* See this image larger.

Just chillin’. See this image larger.

Is this considered rude if we’re only taking it so that we can look at it on the camera and laugh? See this image larger.

Ian takes his guitar playing very seriously. See this image larger.

Seriously. See this image larger.

Fish-lips! (Look over to the left, and you can see why Ian’s making this face — Melissa has a book open to a page with a fish on it.) See this image larger.

*DOUBLEYOU ECKS WHYYYYY….* See this image larger.

*ZEEEEEE.* See this image larger.

Ian and Mommy share a moment before bath-time, to be continued next entry! See this image larger.

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