Mister Mom, Tuesday Edition


9:06am – He woke up fine, got dressed fine, hopped in my car fine (I realized on the way home that, by Ian’s logic, Daddy’s car RARELY ends up at daycare… it only drives home and to cool parks and playgrounds… thus insisting on Daddy’s car will most likely result in a non-daycare day.) However when we got to daycare, Ian suggested we go somewhere else; when I dropped him off, he began to get upset when I said goodbye, but looking at Judy I knew that this was the time to leave — whether I wanted to or not — so I did.

9:45pm Dinner didn’t turn out as planned… following the directions resulted in a frozen block of pasta sitting in a warm oven, somehow… maybe I didn’t do something right. Some emergency microwaving and, well… for whatever reason Ian wanted nothing to do with the finished product. I gave him some other food, and he ended up eating plenty, but I still denied him the Popsicle grand prize because he didn’t eat the real meal — he got the runner-up store-bought cookies. (I gave him a handful, and he identified each animal like so “Beaver. Two froggies. (and he was correct there were two!) Owl… HOOOOOOOO”)

Bath went fine, but dinner had started late and ended up being complicated… so the bath came late as well. One thing I found out while we were drying off… if you sing LIKE a kid, Ian will join in faster and louder than usual. We sang the alphabet, twinkle twinkle, and itsy bitsy spider. He also joined me toward the end of the prayer that you usually say with him. 🙂

He’s still talking to himself up there, unfortunately, he’s not going to be a happy camper tomorrow morning. (Minutes later…) I just checked up on him, he was yelling at his water bottle, apparently it interfered with Mickey Mouse’s sleepytime, as it was explained to me. It sounded like it potentially took Mickey’s zooey. I investigated the crime scene and indeed found the baby Mickey stuffed animal tucked in some blankets with a nearby pacifier; the water bottle was sulking guiltily nearby.

This is from the 17th, the day we took Melissa to the airport… Ian woke up from his very long nap and just wanted to lay with me and watch golf… so we did. See this image larger.

The same day he suggested that he be let in my car… it was in gear, with emergency brake on, so I let him. Right after this picture was taken we both jumped about a foot. See this image larger.

On the 18th, fresh from day care, Ian and I played outside until supper-time. Here Ian has narrowly avoided the bunker and prepares for another swing for birdie. See this image larger.

I showed Ian that he could actually take his clubs in their “bag” if he wanted, instead of pulling them out while in the garage… and where the handle is. He immediately started carrying it as such. Here he walks along on the brick border of Mommy’s flowerbed, carefully stepping over the downspout. See this image larger.

“Wobot.” See this image larger.

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