Melissa’s B-Day and More

For Mommy’s birthday, we didn’t really take pictures like we did with the kids. Well, that and some of her birthday gift simply hasn’t happened yet because it has been earmarked for “a free day.” We don’t typically know what that is. So I apologize that there’s not much to say about this at the moment, but let it be known that we’re still working on that, and your family loves you very much, Mommy.

Melissa tries on a pretty scarf she received as a gift. From me she also got a necklace, some earrings, and as I said, some promised gifts that must be pursued when we have a moment to breathe. Sadly even as I write this, almost a month later, we haven’t taken the time to do so. See this image larger.

Mmmm… warm dryer. See this image larger.

Ian built a “road” out of books, cushions, blankets and more. See this image larger.

Nina waits on the road while construction takes place in the north-bound lane. See this image larger.

January 24th now, and Ian still is in the birthday mood. As you can see, there are 4 “candle” cheetos in his sandwich. See this image larger.

January 25th my home computer started a several day saga that had me driving back and forth to the Apple store like a mad man. One of the positive things to come out of this crisis was looking over and seeing Ian on one of the computers at the Apple store. See this image larger.

Still images cannot convey how his eyes darted around on the screen. The way his eyes traveled with his hand as he moused around to the buttons. Nina takes a peek too! See this image larger.

More than anything, he looked completely comfortable with what he was doing. I felt a bit of pride. FYI – several partial back-ups essentially saved me from complete disaster. I was able to recover about 2980 of the 3000 emails that became lost during what should have been a routine hard drive transfer. “Genius bar” my butt. See this image larger.

On the 28th, I asked Mommy’s attention, and she was rightfully a little frustrated as she stepped away from making dinner to see what I was talking about. There stood Nina next to me in the center of the room, only leaning on me a little bit, and standing up on her own a great deal. She wasn’t completely standing on her own, but it was progress. Like Ian on the computer, she seemed comfortable doing so. It was the start of a trend that lasted a couple weeks. Her speech got better, her walking got better. It was like a little leap forward. I can’t honestly say it feels like she is taking another leap at this moment, but perhaps she’s pausing for another major jump.

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