Melissa and Ian’s Birthday, Part II

Another update! If you’re not keeping up, then scroll down! 😉

January 16th, and everybody is up and movin’. See this image larger.

Grampa Dave shows everybody how to draw a rocket! See this image larger.

Ian shows everybody what a cheesy smile is all about. See this image larger.

Nina tries on a cute outfit! See this image larger.

Look at that pretty coat! See this image larger.

I’m a big fan of babies in overalls, so cute! See this image larger.

She’s standing better and better! See this image larger.

Nina in dramatic lighting… See this image larger.

Although this shot doesn’t show Nina’s head/neck tilt, it reminded me to say that I haven’t seen Nina’s head/neck tilt pretty much since our last doctor’s visit. Better and better, little girl! Thank you all for your prayers! See this image larger.

Nina reads up on motorcycles while Ian licks his sock. This is precisely the kind of thing I meant in the previous entry when I mentioned Ian pushing my buttons. He’s doing this thing he knows will get me upset, and looking over his shoulder to make sure I’m watching. And I’ve smelled his socks before, so I can tell you from experience that there’s no way he’s doing that because he enjoys it. See this image larger.

Ian singing opera? Not sure. See this image larger.

Gathering for a quick round of Uno! See this image larger.

Ian wins! See this image larger.

Grampa Dave cuddles with little girl! See this image larger.

Click here to see this video of Nina crawling and the cutest little smile! Thanks Grampa Dave for getting this one with your camera!

Click here to see Nina bang the drums!

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