May Catch-Up, Part I

Well, so the last entry was toward the end of April… not much else happened other than one more Dad’s group meeting, and I think I only got a little video on that one, and unfortunately, the one after that was even less of a photo/video opportunity, as Ian soaked himself with water and I had to take him home. Any video missed here will of course be referenced on a DVD… someday.

So that brings us up to May then. Over the course of this entry and next, I’ll be sharing some photos, and bring us up to present. The reason that this is important is that starting Sunday Melissa will be going to San Francisco for a five-day business conference trip. During that time, we’ll be using the blog as a communication tool, with updates every night this week, so that Mommy doesn’t miss the lil’ guy too much.

In the middle of the night, around May first, I grew tired of trying to get Ian to go to sleep, and he seemingly needed me, but was also simultaneously asking for Mommy. Solution? Into our bed I unceremoniously placed him, and there he slept, like a log; mostly on my side of the bed. :-\ See this image larger.

These are just some nice shots I took while trying out a special flash attachment that Mr. Brandon had on his camera. See this image larger.

Tickle, tickle, tickle! See this image larger.

He had this really great mohawk for about three minutes, this night, just before bed. I couldn’t pull off getting a good shot, though, before he mushed it down. See this image larger.

On the eleventh of May Ian requested to be able to wear his rain-boots that have a planetary theme going on, while he was still in his bear-print pajamas… sounded like a photo-op to me! See this image larger.

He almost looks startled that I was going to take a picture, you’d think he’d know better by now! See this image larger.

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