May Arrives, 2012!

May 1st, with coats on in Brendan and Jake’s sandbox!

*Hey guys!*

We ate at BW3’s to support a cause, despite really not liking the restaurant much. It’s always loud, the number of TVs in there is enough to drive anybody into a seizure, and the food is always a little meh.

Last time we WERE here, Uncle Chris was with us, so it was cool to see that the only jersey in the whole place was #68, the number Ian and I have adopted on our jerseys for the Giants to honor Uncle Chris’s birth-year.

So here’s the sort-of funny story behind getting Ian’s mattress. I guess at the moment we simply had no other options. Ian’s mattress and under-bed storage units had arrived at the store, and we needed to get them home. We also wanted a patio storage unit, but had been putting that off. The plan? Buy a patio storage unit from Home Depot or Lowe’s… rent their $20 truck, put the patio storage unit in the truck, drive it to the bed store, put the mattress in the truck, get home, and get back in 50 minutes to avoid the over-charge. Possible? Barely. With traffic jam? Probably not. But that’s pretty much what happened. It was a scramble the whole way, the kids in Melissa’s car with Melissa while I pushed the Lowe’s truck through a traffic jam to get home. Melissa and I removed the stuff from the truck at home faster than an Indy 500 pit crew and we were on our way back. A quick stop for fuel, and done. The person behind the counter said we were about 5 minutes late, but waived the late fee. It went great. Not sure I’d ever do it again though.

Ian was pretty thrilled, and it is one of those things that brings the whole house up a notch. I never felt too bad while he was sleeping on a mattress on the floor, but after seeing his room with an actual bed in it, I felt like we were doing things far more “right.”

I can’t remember the exact wording, but I think Nina said “I made art” when she was done eating.

May 5th. Supermoon, you look just like normal moon.

May 7th, I love this ship design. It reminds me of a drop-ship from the movie Aliens, but Ian created it all on his own.

He’s so good at this stuff!

The back appears to have some kind of thrusters… nice stabilizer placement. Nice work, kiddo!

This was also a pretty sweet building that Ian put together. I can’t remember what he said it was. I want to say it was a refueling station.

Look at this arch on top! He did that!

This is Nina wanting to get her picture taken too! Hi Cutie!

I believe this is Nina hiding her head in shame during a time-out. See this image larger.

Peeking through!

May 8th, another cool ship design!

He’s all too happy to show you how it works, should you ask. See this image larger.

May 9th, Seth is still a big fan of the sunroom, any ol’ time of year, but only certain times of day! See this image larger.

Brother and sister chilling out with some crayons. See this image larger.

“WOOK! Bendan n’ jayk ah owtsoide! We go owtsoide?” See this image larger.

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