Maximum Verbosity
One fantastic effect of the trip — over the course of those days, or maybe it was when he got back, I’m not sure which — Ian’s ability to verbalize improved twofold at least. We were both positive he was doing better, but the people at daycare were in shock over how much he was trying to say. We’re very proud!
You can pretty much get him to TRY to say anything, and often he tries very hard to explain things to you from his perspective. New words include Grampa Ray’s name, “RAAAAY” and “bowwie” for berry, “diyishush” for delicious, and as you heard a couple entries ago, “versary!” for “anniversary.” Last Monday Ian said “blessoo” after I sneezed. This is a fantastic time for everybody to cut down on swearing, by the way… seriously!
And then there was the night I got my iPhone out to show Ian a picture or two and he thought I was checking in with Grandma Sue… Click here to hear it, and be careful with volume, it gets loud!
Tonight (the 16th) Ian’s behavior in general was just flat-out smart. He pushed an ottoman across the room so that he could reach some lights and turn them on and off. He did some exercises with Mommy saying “Up!” and “Dowwn!” as he stretched up and touched his toes. He chased the cat around as usual, but tonight added with sincerity “Kitty, kitty waait! Waaait! Wharugon? Wharugon, wait!” And after we put him into the crib tonight he called to us as we were closing the door. “Mommy! Datty! Lavooh. Lavooh. Kitty, Lavooh.”