March Goes Out Like a Baa

March 21st, Ian on the swings in our backyard! See this image larger.

Ian practices his mean face!

Can you believe this little boy is headed for kindergarten? See this image larger.

He’s made some very good friends in the boys next door, and I’m happy about it. Aaron and Clara and their boys Brendan and Jake are good people. See this image larger.

Nina makes a shot, and the hoop sighs in happiness for being used a second time this year.

Nina looking cute in a skirt that reminds me of her ol’ Baskin Robbins style swimsuit! See this image larger.

*Nice to see ya, Daddy, gotta go!*

She’s such a delight at this age. See this image larger.

Must be out of gas!

Can’t believe this weather, wearing short-sleeves and a skirt in March! See this image larger.

March 24th, Ian makes a little gas station out of blocks for his car. Awesome!

March 25th, these kids just keep getting bigger! See this image larger.

And heavier! *Hold ’em up, Mommy, I want that tree in the background!* See this image larger.

Another awesome day with the family! See this image larger.

March 26th, Ian writes Nina’s name given what information he has… “NIANN.” (We told him Nina’s name is made up of the same letters as his, plus an extra N.) I then showed him how to do it right, which is what you see under “NIANN.”

Ian tries on Daddy’s welder goggles! See this image larger.

I like these as an alternate to safety goggles, for things that won’t bust through glass, of course.

I should have taken pics of him without the goggles, he looks really cute in a Steve Jobs’ style black turtleneck and blue jeans! See this image larger.

This is part of my War on Brass. I have no problem with brass in anybody else’s place, but for some reason I don’t like it in mine. Call it a preference. This day was to tackle most of the doorknobs in the house, with Ian as a helper!

Hey, watch where you point that thing! 🙂 See this image larger.

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