July, Part V

July 29th, and it was almost time to leave 139 Highlander. Grandma Sue, Grandma Marcia and Grampa Dave worked together to help us make a truly impossible move possible. I thank them all from the bottom of my heart. A move can be a very stressful time, and Melissa and I were still reeling from the Cystic Fibrosis scare and the Choanal Atresia news… hopefully we didn’t freak out too bad. Pictured here you can see we still had a long, long way to go. See this image larger.

This is the 2nd set of Pods, we ended up with 8 total — and it would turn out we wouldn’t see those at the new house until that Monday, a few days later than we had hoped. See this image larger.

Mommy packing kitchen stuff. Somewhere off camera the cat has been taken for an overnight stay at a vet clinic. See this image larger.

July 30th, and this is the day we moved out of 139 Highlander Drive. Grandma Marcia gets cat hair off of curtains here. He has a talent for spreading his message. I’m proud of my family for taking the time to really clean the house for the new people. I would think everybody would want to move into a completely clean house. See this image larger.

Grandma Sue cutting the rug… again, this is for the new people, a touch we didn’t have to do, but did. (Grampa Dave, I don’t think we got a picture of you helping, because you and I were out so much in the truck and whatnot those days… and more importantly, the camera was already packed! Sorry!) Suffice to say, I can’t thank you all enough. Thank you. 🙂 See this image larger.

Grandma Sue took some pictures while we were on our way out… Ian here looks sad, and I really think he was… however keep in mind it did not last much longer than the pictures you see here. Thank you Grandma Marcia for the balloon, it helped Ian through this. See this image larger.

“My closet is empty!” See this image larger.

“See?!” See this image larger.

And there goes the stuff! This guy was great other than the time he speared one of the pods with his forklift… turns out it didn’t hurt anything, miraculously. See this image larger.

We spent the rest of the 30th signing our lives away and moving some minor things into the house after the carpets were cleaned.

July 31st, everybody but me spent the night at a hotel because the carpets were drying. I stayed mostly because the plan said to do so. I wrote the plan. Truth is it turned out I didn’t need to, but it was an interesting experience anyway. While I was there, Nina enjoyed hotel goodness as pictured here. See this image larger.

Family bonding! See this image larger.

And then at the new house, enjoying the swingset! See this image larger.

If you can’t tell, it was around this time that Ian’s sadness went away, replaced with pure happy. See this image larger.

And how could it not? The new house has playground equipment! And a tree that’s more than 3″ in diameter! See this image larger.

And so, despite the chaos and stress which was far from over… July still went out with a happy sigh.

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