July, Part II

Just to give you an idea of what’s going on in our heads in early July, we’re a long ways away from being packed up to move, but moving day is looming on the horizon. The stress of not being able to pack enough to make progress starts to get to us, and a deadline for work manages to fall roughly on the same day as moving day. In short, we’re starting to freak.

July 10th when our friends Elena and Scott offered up that Ian could stay the night if we needed some time to pack, we took her up on it quick. See this image larger.

Ian grabbed his backpack for the overnight stay… he looked adventurous with it on, so I told him to put his hand up to his head and squint off into the distance like an explorer. Somehow we ended up with this sleepy salute, but that’ll do. See this image larger.

This was his first sleepover! Such a brave boy! (I only stayed up and worried a little.) See this image larger.

VIDEO BREAK – I took some video of Ian using my heavy camera on July 10th. The video doesn’t show how much he beat himself up with the camera trying to put his eye up to the eyepiece. Try to imagine him lifting the camera up about a foot from his face, and his whole body sort of stepping back and forth under its weight… culminating with him smashing the camera into his head as he tried to take the picture. This is why you’ll hear me laughing oddly at the end of the video… I’m laughing in a “that’s gotta hurt” kind of way. Here is the video.

The following images were taken by Ian with the camera:

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