July Catch Up, Part II – New Baby Stuff!

Ok so let’s go over the facts that we know…

Baby is due January 7th!

On June 27th we had our first ultrasound, unscheduled and frightening as all get out. But then there was waving and happiness! His/her head is on the left, facing up. If you look carefully you can see a chin right around where the two dotted lines cross, lips and a nose slightly above that, in profile.

On July 2nd we had an ultrasound when we got back to Grand Rapids… In particular can you see one of his/her hands up there near the top? Four closed fingers and a tucked-in thumb!

When we finally got in to see the doctor, on July 8th, she allowed us to record the heartbeat… I have that recording for you here. Click here to listen.

We have another doctor’s appointment next week, we’ll let you know if anything new is revealed!

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