Java Gym
Is it possible that a visit to an indoor playground might warrant its very own blog entry? The answer is heck yes. HECK. YES. May 6th, Ian’s class went to a place called Java Gym for the morning and parents were invited. I went and took a couple pics while I was there.
Java Gym is much like our old favorite Playworld, but Java Gym is staffed by no less than 10 people at a time, as opposed to 1. Located next to Qdoba and a popular mall, as opposed to Playworld’s miserable surroundings. It is also the only indoor play area that I’ve heard of that allows parents to get in there with their kids and chase them all over the place. I quickly made a few small friends, and all of us had a great time. I give it my highest recommendation. And wait until you see our second visit, coming up in a few entries.
This is what it looks like from the back corner… there’s a nice eating area with smooth floors (bad idea there considering the place has a no-shoes policy.) There’s somebody at the front desk making sure kids don’t wander out alone, and wrist bands to help with identification. See this image larger.
Here little man runs free, jumping, climbing, and has been approved to be a little loud. Ian un-caged! See this image larger.
Couldn’t get him to hold still for long! See this image larger.
Click here to see Ian and I playing at Java Gym. You’ll have to excuse the music, I’m not sure why I ended up with that song — but the original audio was cut out because my finger was over the mic!