
Latest report on Nina is that she’s doing well… they’ve taken her off of oxygen, and they took her off the IV last night. So really that’s pretty awesome right there. In fact I just got a text from Melissa that says, literally “Nina doing awesome!” I can only hope that means she’s coming home soon.

I woke up this morning to the sound of the cat peeing in my laundry basket. Now I know what you’re thinking, and it may involve a cat and some goal posts, I’m not sure. But understand, Seth has been a trooper this whole time, dealing with Ian chasing him around, ANOTHER baby, and signs that we’re packing up stuff. For most cats, that’s pee-worthy right there. And while it turns out that Seth made a mess all over the house just because of his condition, where he focused his mess was in my laundry basket (mostly empty) and the basement floor. I believe that the laundry basket was actually his attempt to notify me that there is an issue. Good Kitty.

Sooooo yeah, Seth is currently at the animal hospital and they’re keeping him there overnight. They said he’s been calm. If you know Seth… that is to say, judging by the way Seth usually behaves at the animal hospital or vet, we’re pretty sure this means that there’s something seriously wrong.

Melissa came home long enough to help me with a few things around the house for Thursday’s showing, and deal with the cat situation. It was great having Melissa home, if only for a few hours.

Earlier this month:
Last entry took us through the first week in February, through pictures.

February 7th, 2010 – Ian goes grocery shopping, and ends up in dreamland. See this image larger.

February 8th, 2010 – I started boxing up some things for whenever we sell the house and move… the stuffed animals you see before you are some real classics; they used to be mine. Little Chip (the beaver that I desperately wanted to be a chipmunk, thus, it was) on the left, Pooh (a non-pooh-bear bear… this one had a music maker inside of it until what we will only refer to as “The Washing Machine Incident” – I’m looking at you, Mom. Uh huh. 😉 ) on the right. See this image larger.

Is Ian excited about the move? Well, apparently so! See this image larger.

Now is a great time to remind myself, Melissa, and grandparents – Ian would like pictures taken with his grandparents too.

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