Ian’s “Rockin’ Around the Citrus Tree” X-Mas Tour Part IV (of IV)

Check out Parts I-III below (click “previous entries” to see anything that slips off of the front page!) to see how the earlier bits of our Tour went!

Where’d we leave off? Oh yes, after Grandpa Ray drove us 60 miles to Sanford airport, we flew 977 miles to Lansing Airport, where we were met by Grandpa Dave. He took us back (100 miles) to get our car from the Detroit Metro Airport and we made a convoy back to he and Grandma Marcia’s in Southgate on December 28th.

“Hey Grandpa Dave, you really only need like two of these, Dada told me.” In his other hand is the remote for the Christmas lights; once he figured out how the two buttons worked, he made it blink on and off about 20 times, plus he put it in his mouth of course. Those of us who weren’t eating remotes had a wonderful meal that night! See this image larger.

“I may be trapped in here, but I have the fuzzy bunny! Who’s laughing now!” See this image larger.

Santa had dropped presents off in Southgate as well, it turns out. He’s either magic or has one heckuva GPS system in his sleigh. Here Ian plays with a cool gear-turning toy! See this image larger.

Ian and I quickly made use of the gears. He laughed at this whether the gears were on his eyes or mine… such a great smile and laugh on that kid! See this image larger.

Grandma Marcia helps Ian practice the time-honored art of unwrapping. Hey wait! That one says “Grandpa Dave” on it! See this image larger.

Grandpa Dave and Grandma Marcia were impressed with Ian’s walking ability and strength. We all had a great time in Southgate, and it was brilliant that we got to see so many family members in one trip. On the 29th we hopped in our car and headed back to Rockford (164 miles) to find a kitty who was very glad to see us. See this image larger.

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