Ian’s October Apple Orchard Field Trip

October 23rd, Ian had a field trip at Sklerchenbirch’s Country Basket. It isn’t really called that, but it might as well be. You can see Ian excitedly pointing out to his friend Nathan that his parents have already arrived. See this image larger.

He’s such a sweet boy, to be so excited. That or he’s saying “Nathan, they made it AND they’re actually on time!!!” See this image larger.

*And this is called a Miss Mae Golden Delicious Cross Blend McKenzie Tasty Tart’n’Kart South Nigerian Double Rainbow Apple.* And honestly, not a single kid gave a rat’s patoot. Most parents didn’t either. Look at that dude with the beard back there, you know he’s contemplating bolting for the door. See this image larger.

*Doughnuts? Now you’ve got our attention, lady.* See this image larger.

Ian awaits the cider before digging in. Jack, the gentle giant next to Ian, would eat a small llama if it didn’t run fast enough. See this image larger.

Then it was time to pick up a pumpkin. It needed to be orange, vaguely pumpkin shaped, and fit in a Meijer plastic bag. See this image larger.

Mission Accomplished. See this image larger.

Ian turns the wheel to feed the goats. Look, I could explain to you how turning the wheel feeds the goats, but it’d probably be better for both of us if you just take me at my word. Wheel turn? Goats fed. Boom. See this image larger.

The whole gang. Ian is the light-haired blond-ish white boy in the picture. That was a joke. Ian is about five from the right. See this image larger.

Mrs. Lanham paused to snap this delightful picture of the three of us. It was a great afternoon! See this image larger.

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