Hospital Week, Part II
I woke up with something on my face that I did not understand. Later in the week I called Uncle Chris, and sent him a picture — he told me to call a doctor and get in as soon as I could — it was probably shingles. I did, and Chris was absolutely spot-on. It is amusing that this is a sort of reanimation of the Chicken Pox virus caused by stress. Amusing because that’s also all it caused was a bunch of stress: I had the kids with me at the doctor, yet he said it was a good idea to stay away from them. One of the two prescriptions was about 200 bucks. And the prospect that I could have given the kids Chicken Pox (Nina in particular) was frightening. So yeah, stress! (I owe Uncle Chris for helping me catch this issue with such expediency! The kids never did catch it from me, thanks to him!) After I got through the meds I was prescribed, my face broke out about the same as when I was a teenager, my scalp started more or less shedding, but is looking better yet still healing as I write this now. Excuse this long caption, I’m trying not to make this about me by dragging it into more entries than it already has appeared. See this image larger.
Our friends Elena and Scott took the kids for me on one of the days of “Hospital Week” thanks to an urgent email from Mommy. This helped me scrape ahead on my deadlines. Elena baked cookies and here Ian prepares to enjoy one. She has some great pics of the kids, if I remember correctly. I’ll need to get ahold of those. See this image larger.
Ian makes a fashion statement on December 6th, using Nina’s hat. See this image larger.
Nina makes her own fashion statement with a Christmas outfit on December 7th. See this image larger.
If you see Nina with any kind of hat or shoes on in a picture, it means the photographer has a light-speed finger on the camera shutter trigger, believe me. She’ll whip those things off faster than you can say “cheese!” See this image larger.
Wondering where we were? It was Ian’s (Daycare’s) Christmas program! He was an angel on-stage, which was awesome… because otherwise, not so much. See this image larger.
That’s Elena holding Nina, we owe her and Scott many thanks for watching the kids. See this image larger.
Nina’s got her hat on again, but not for long I bet! Where’d those shoes go? Gone! See this image larger.
Elena’s daughter Rowen goes to the same daycare as Ian, she’s a class older than the one he’s in, I think. See this image larger.
Yup, he can be a stinker when he wants to be! See this image larger.
I don’t know who the little blonde haired girl is, but I don’t think Ian does either. That reminds me, last time we were at Playworld, Ian “met his best friend” and didn’t want to leave because of him. He’d never met the kid before, so it was pretty funny. See this image larger.
There’s my sweet kid! See this image larger.
Click here to see a video of Ian preparing to sing.
Click here to see a video of Ian singing Deck the Halls, with “fa la la la la” accompaniment by the baby sitting behind us.