Happy Half-a-Birthday!

Ian is officially 6 months old today!

General updates: His diet consists of rice cereal, oatmeal, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, and tomorrow he will have green beans for the first time. He’s generally into extremes at the moment, sometimes crying, and other times happy. The good news is that he is being happier for longer lengths of time than previously. He can now get his butt up in the air at the same time as his shoulders, resulting in a bit of a crawling stance, without actually crawling just yet. As you may see in a moment, if you’re very observant, his bottom two teeth are coming along just fine, but there’s nothing on the top just yet.

If you have a good internet connection, check out this video of a recent happy moment! This is a particularly good one, so gather folks around and turn up the sound! (After you click the link below, wait until you see a play button, then click it!)

Click here to see the video!

Next update probably in a week unless something spectacular happens soon!

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