Happy Belated St. Patrick’s Day

Went to the doctor today and we have a few updates. The first is that Ian is still healthy and has slipped to the 75th percentile in both height (24.25″) and weight. (13lbs and 1oz) The only other real update was that I have to say that it is very sad to watch your baby get his first shots. It’s enough to get you upset at the world for him having to go through this, after all, what’s he done to it, so far aside from make some poopy diapers?

Here’s some St. Patty’s day pics:

Hold still please for a photo… (print version)

Be nice to the dino, and calm down. (print version)

Ok good, now look at the camera please… (print version)

Great, nice! (print version)

Now wave g’bye to your fans, please, Ian! (print version)

Hilariously awesome video coming soon!

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