Happy 40th Birthday to Daddy

Hey. I turned 40. I get to celebrate it with a blog entry dedicated to that, right? We’re all cool with that? If you aren’t please feel free to write and ask for administrative access so that you can delete this. 😉

So November 2nd showed up on my calendar and I kissed my thirties goodbye. I then kissed my wife and kids, and had a good day.

Mommy, Ian and Nina got me some really nice presents and cards, as did many other people, thank you all for your kindness! Just so you know, if you sent me a gift I used it towards the gift mentioned below. So thank you!

Here’s a video of a quick dance!

BONUS VIDEO!!! Click here to see Ian and I dancing all the way until one of my birthday presents arrived! This video was taken with my iPhone.

What new present did I get that I dropped everything when the doorbell rang? A new LENS and a new CAMERA.

I had to wait a few hours for the new camera battery to charge up, so in the meanwhile I tried out my new “glass.” (That’s photographer slang for lens.) I knew immediately I had not wasted my money. She’s worth looking at in a larger image if you don’t mind clicking. -> See this image larger.

This shot wasn’t as good, but I had to get used to it. See this image larger.

Finally I got the battery in place and it was time to test out the camera. Some of these are the new lens, some are not — it isn’t a good lens for all situations. I took a picture of the cat as my first real picture to keep with tradition. After all, there was a point where he was probably our most photographed child. See this image larger.

Self portraits, ahoy! See this image larger.

Maybe a bit too much detail on this one. Guess I should grabbed a wipe. See this image larger.

This one’s a beaut, look at it large by clicking here -> See this image larger.

Yup, not bad…. See this image larger.

Pretty good smile, maybe a little too much cheese, kiddo! See this image larger.

Nina gets bashful! See this image larger.

BONUS VIDEO!!! — One of the nicer aspects of this new camera is that it takes video. So no more lugging two cameras around. They are also high-definition videos and most important of all, whatever lens is on the camera is what ends up recording the video. So a fish-eye lens video is possible, wide-angle, whatever you can come up with. Click here to see a video from the new camera and compare with the video I shot earlier with my phone! A beautiful video of our little girl!

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