Grandma Sue’s Visit, September 2009, Part I
Wow, well let’s catch up, shall we? I can’t believe I’m almost a month behind!!! Sorry everybody!
On Friday, the 18th of September, Grandma Sue’s visit started, and we had a great time overall. It was really the perfect time for her to spend a little catch-up time with Ian, because he was ready to impress. It was neat seeing it happen all at once, really. We picked him up from daycare, and Ian ran to her out on the playground, saying something along the lines of “Grandma, my grandma!” We all got in the car, and Grandma Sue asked Ian some good questions, but she was sort of leaving him with yes or no answers… This isn’t a bad thing, but it doesn’t explore his vocabulary… so I butted in “How was your day kiddo?” “Good. Play outside.” “What else did you do today.” “I play hockey.” “Who was there?” “Owen, Jacob… ” etc. And it went on from there… it is hard to explain, but suffice to say Grandma Sue’s mouth was hanging open in surprise.
It is hard not to underestimate him… heck, just yesterday I went past a video he wanted to watch, flipping through them toward the right… he wanted the video I had passed and he said “left, left!” I knew my right from my left in FIRST GRADE. He’s TWO-AND-A-HALF, for cryin’ out loud. I’m not saying he’ll remember it next week, but it was crazy to hear him say it. It wasn’t just what Ian said, however, but the way he said it, that also surprised Grandma Sue. If you talk to him like an adult, he does his best to answer like an adult, at least most of the time. And if you’re looking for one word answers, he only gives those if he’s feeling shy. We usually get a sentence… and if we’re lucky a paragraph… or story!
Little house of pillows. He sits so still when watching TV, I couldn’t help myself. See this image larger.
September 18th, and Ian and Grandma Sue enjoy a book together during some down-time. See this image larger.
*Lightning McQueen, Gramma! Kachow!* See this image larger.
On September 19th, and we decided to venture out into the world and have some fun. Melissa had heard about a series of shops having a kid’s fair, so Ian got to enjoy Gymboree… we’ve been paying a little extra at daycare so that Ian can enjoy a mobile version of Gymboree that comes to Ian’s school… but this is their “home base.” See this image larger.
Looks like fun! And I know you might be thinking that this activity might wear him out, but trust me, he keeps right on going. (I’ll remind you when we finally got back to the house, and you’ll see just how long he lasted!) See this image larger.
One of the Gymboree employees asked Melissa if our little boy was Ian, and it turned out that she recognized him from the daycare class… she went on to say extremely nice things about Ian, about how he’s a great listener and helper. I thought this picture might be a good time to reflect on what she said. (Hey, these captions don’t write themselves, you know!) See this image larger.
It is always great to hear from somebody that Ian’s being a good boy, particularly from somebody like the Gymboree employee, who had nothing to gain by telling us this. See this image larger.
SCOOOOOORE! See this image larger.
When there’s nothing better to do, why not run in a circle on the mats!! See this image larger.
And heck, why not jump on them while you’re at it! See this image larger.
And then maybe get back up! See this image larger.
Down. See this image larger.
Up. Shew! That’s a lot of work! We left Gymboree, but we went to the cider mill next, that’ll have to wait for next entry. See this image larger.