Goodbye to Florida and the Trip Home
This is the second post today, be sure to scroll down if you haven’t been on in awhile!
The last couple times we went to the Villages we got everybody together for a good-bye dinner and it has been great to leave on a high note the next day. It was even better this year because we didn’t have to get anybody up at 5am to hop on a plane!
So here we are on the 30th, getting together for a fantastic meal! See this image larger.
Two-for-one margaritas had Nina feeling pretty happy! Oh wait, that was me. Nina was happy to see her Daddy kick back and drink some margaritas! Here she smiles with Mommy! See this image larger.
Ian gives Nina a little peck on the forehead, and everybody swooned! See this image larger.
Big smiles from Grampa Ray and Cousin Connor! See this image larger.
And then it was off to the square for dancing in the relatively cold Florida night! See this image larger.
Nina danced the night away! See this image larger.
A Village artist draws a cousin caricature! See this image larger.
Johnson/Kunze/Chapmans in the house! See this image larger.
Same idea! See this image larger.
Happy Kunzes! You should have seen little Kaylee boogyin’! See this image larger.
Happy Chapmans! And then it was time to go back to Grandma Sue’s and sleep — for 2 full days of travel was still ahead of our brave adventurers! See this image larger.
On the way back North to Michigan we stopped in a backwater town and ate at Waffle House. As this was Nina’s first Waffle House experience, I took a picture or two. See this image larger.
*I think Elvis just walked in!* See this image larger.
Local papers would report that one of the signs of the apocalypse occurred that night — Ian ordered pancakes at a Waffle House. See this image larger.
At one point Ian thought he was going to be sick. We gave him this butter dish to get sick into… instead he fell asleep on it. The miles slowly drifted by, as did the hours. Eventually we made it home. See this image larger.
And that was an interesting feeling, coming home. I don’t think the house we’ve lived in for the last few months felt as much like home as when we left it and came back.
For those of you wondering, would we drive it again? Absolutely. The kids were fantastic, and the stress and cost were significantly less than flying.
One more time, to make sure I covered everybody – thank you all for your hospitality and generosity!
We’ll leave you some of Ian’s hilarious zingers from the trip below, as noted in our phones, etc.
Ian, the night we left Nina to grab some dessert… just as we went through the doors of the ice cream shop – “I bet Nina’s crying right now.”Ian, on the way to Great Grandma Betty’s – “Grandma Sue, your car is AMAZING!”
As I said in the captions earlier – He asked Great Grandma Betty to say “thank you” regarding a present… he did this before the wrapping paper even left the present.
During an ASPCA commercial on TV – “We have to save the puppy and the kitty!”
Ian’s ongoing nickname for Nina – “Nini.” I call her “Nina Nina jelly beana.”
Ian – “We have an enormous drive to Michigan.”
Ian on the way home – “Jingle go, jingle go, jingle all the way… (other lyrics) and open presents that you hid in the car!” (We had a couple presents in the car to make the trip more exciting… he imagined Santa thinking ahead.)
Ian – “Sometimes some puppies poop in the snow.”
Also on the way home, to Daddy – “You’re just not cool.”
We stopped at a Walmart so that Ian could go potty, and he refused to go. The potties were “bad” potties, the kind that auto-flush and scare him. When we finally got hom he pointed at our toilet and proclaimed “good potty.”
Ian, when we got home – “We gave our old house away to good people who didn’t have a house. Then we drove over to this one.”