Good Mood

Ian woke up this morning, Saturday August 29th, in a great mood. He seems to suddenly know more when he’s feeling well, mostly because he’s just flat-out more cooperative. This is why I think kids appear to learn in bursts and leaps… if they don’t feel like talking, you don’t know that they’re progressing in little steps.

He told me he wanted to watch “the science kid” when he woke up, but “Sid, the Science Kid” is not on… instead we watched Super Why! At one point some “super letters” appeared on the screen… They are jumbled up letters that eventually spell a word. There were two letters: a “D” and an “L.” Ian pointed at the screen and said “D”… (Melissa and I shared a look of “is that new? That’s new!!!”) “and…. L.” (Melissa and I explode with praise and cheering.)

Toward the end of the show they sort of break into a happy dance while singing a “hip hip hooray” song. I mimicked the movements and Ian said “GO Daddy! GO Daddy!”

Melissa asked Ian to hand her a corner bumper so she could put it back on a sharp counter edge. Ian said “I get it.” Picked it up, walked toward the counter, looked around “Daddy, whar you go?” When he found me, he said “Here you go!” handed it to me and walked over to the right spot, pointing at it. “It go there.” Apparently I’m the only one with the magic touch to make velcro stick.

Thank you Aunt Melanie for the awesome care package! Ian grabbed the candy right before naptime, and we told him he’d have to wait until after his nap to eat it. He ran upstairs and came back a minute later “Daddy, whar my candy? I jus’ woke up!” (He also said something about it being Grandma candy.)

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