Giving Thanks in Ohio 2008, Part II

More stories, more stuff!!! November 27th, 2008! GOOOOO!

“I hear reindeer hooves… and… DID YOU HEAR JINGLING? YOU CHECK YOUR WINDOW!” See this image larger.

Ok so you’re probably wondering what this is all about. Kaylee has this toy, it is kind of like a really simplified tent… just two pieces of somewhat rigid fabric with flexible support pieces at each end. Kaylee and Ian hopped inside of this and began walking around like one of those two-man horse costumes. If you don’t think this is cute, wait for an entry or two and I’ll link you to some video guaranteed to make you smile. See this image larger.

While a lot of time was spent establishing which toy was whose this trip, it was awesome seeing these two work together the rest of the time. I can’t wait to get that video on here. See this image larger.

I don’t know if you noticed that shuffling around under that tent made for a little bit of static, did you, Ian? See this image larger.

We had a blast jumping up and down, and running all over. See this image larger.

Uh oh… spontaneous dance urge! See this image larger.

This image is too easy, you guys can choose your own caption. If you can’t think of one try something involving the authorities like “OHIO DIAPER PATROL, NOBODY MOOOVE.” or something with a dance move like “WHYYYY (picture) SEEEE AYYYYY!” or even “Heeeeey Macarina!” See this image larger.

Here’s some other stories:
Ian slept in our room all three nights of our stay, and we were surprised to hear him blurt out words in his sleep in the middle of the night. “Hi Bob!” was on the first night. On the second night I suddenly heard BEEP BEEP! followed by the sounds of regular breathing. And on the last night he exclaimed “DOGGIE!” as if somebody had revealed one under a blanket or something. If only we could see into those dreams, I wonder how much fun we’d all have?

Connor has a fan in Ian, that’s unmistakable. During the trip Ian followed Connor around saying “Kunnur?” or “Kunnur! Kunnur!” depending on whether or not he was within sight.

Earlier in that week, just to note it, he went from saying “curcle” to “Diss izza curcle.” He also said a very hilarious “NoooOOOoooo” to Melissa when she asked if he was spitting out his water. If you could have seen the smile on his face during that response, his chin wet with freshly spit out water… it would be more amusing. Suffice to say that sarcasm has found its way into our child’s mind and I have no idea where it came from. Wink wink. 😉

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