Florida Playdate!

I got in contact with my roommate from college, Dave Ingram, while I was down in Florida. His wife said we should meet at a nearby park on the 23rd, so we pulled the kids out of their box, and headed over there. See this image larger.

The park was brilliant, with a ton of equipment, a fence to keep all the kids penned in, and a fake-grass covered, soft rubbery surface for would-be skydivers. Here Ian and Nina sample a race car. See this image larger.

Nina takes the wheel! See this image larger.

One of many slides! Some little girl gave Nina potato chips out of nowhere, was kind of funny and weird.

A nice train…

Nina waves to her adoring public. See this image larger.

These guys had fun, and they did not stop.

This is the beautiful family that we came to visit, my college roommate Dave Ingram, Jennifer, their daughter Hannah, and Bear the dog. In a different image, I joked about the dog not looking at the camera, so Hannah straightened him out on this one. hehe! See this image larger.

Hannah was at the age where she was AMAZING with kids. Nina took to her immediately.

Old chums. See this image larger.

We had to drop by Target on the way home, but Grandma Sue also mentioned wanting to take the kids to the beach. To be quick I asked Melissa to run inside by herself, while the rest of us waited with anticipation to get to the beach… As soon as Melissa left the car, they zonked out from exhaustion. The park took a lot out of them! See this image larger.

But the kids did wake back up, and we did make it to the beach by sundown. And what a cool sight welcomed us!

My beauties! See this image larger.

What a wonderful family I have! See this image larger.

This shot by Grandma!

A beautiful shot of Grandma Sue and the kids! See this image larger.

Daddy joins in while Mommy snaps away! See this image larger.

The kids on the beach! See this image larger.

Another shot. See this image larger.

Grandma got the best shot of the kids walking together though… nice one! See this image larger.

Eventually Ian ran on ahead, like a 4 year old is want to do. See this image larger.

Nina spontaneously broke into T’ai Chi, having been told by her former sansei that it is particularly affective in a peaceful location like the beach. (I’m kidding.)

Our little cutie, trucking right along! See this image larger.

We had a relaxing final night at Grandma Sue’s. Thanks for your hospitality and generosity!

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