Finally, Back to Some Pictures

Time has not been on my side lately. Trying to sell this house, trying to find a new house, deadlines magically syncing up to some of our most involving “normal life” deadlines, baptism stuff… and totally dumb random explosions have set my entire world upside-down. So this is me turning back the clock to when we last left off, picture-wise, and catching us up to present. (Note that I did write another entry, just below this one, talking a little bit about our old house here — not an important read, but it does set us up for what will happen in just a few weeks, if God’s hand continues to play a part and all the stars align. More on that soon.)

Without further ado…

Two months ago, to the day… May 5th, 2010. Those of you who saw the really nice picture of Nina after a bath (the same one that was later to be featured on the big screen at her Baptism…) the following pictures took place the next day.

Chillin’ out in one of those u-shaped pillows that is supposed to help during breast-feeding.See this image larger.

*We’re done with pictures here, Daddy. GET OUT.* See this image larger.

It is like a JCPenny photo-studio shot. See this image larger.

Nina can be such a peaceful sleeper. Can be. See this image larger.

So this was also the day that Nina first started daycare! I snapped this shot while Melissa entered in a pass-code and I wrangled Ian. It was also the day that Ian first asked to be put in big-boy underpants, and pretty much never looked back. See this image larger.

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